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Our Philosophy

We believe that children learn earlier and learn more than we once thought possible. From birth through age 5, children are developing language, thinking, physical, emotional and social skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. We want to help your children learn and develop the skills necessary for success in school and throughout their lives. The first five years of your child’s life is a time of tremendous physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth.  Children enter the world with needs in order to grow: love, nutrition, health, social and emotional security, and stimulation in the important skills that prepare them for success. 


Children also enter the world with a great capacity to learn. We involve the children in activities that allow them to talk, explore, experiment and wonder, showing that learning is both enjoyable and important. We motivate children to take pleasure in learning and to want to learn more. We provide them with an environment rich in language and literacy interactions and full of opportunities to listen to and use language constantly, helping them to acquire the essential building blocks for learning how to read. The early years are truly amazing and each day we do our best to bring education and fun together.

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